written, arranged, performed, mixed & edited by Jérôme Giller
Thumbs up: pexels.com and pixabay.com
lyrics: and i was walking home – midnight walk – headphones on – everybody here was gone and i was walking on – you left a note in your locker room between a book and a (?), a pack of chips and a pack of gum, and in the back a loaded gun – a few memories it’s all that i need – (for chorus, watch video) – write your name on the record sleeve – take the money before you leave – and don’t forget you have a blood test – you’re the bomb baby in that dress – you had always said to me everybody here is free – now you’re wearing a suicide vest – you’re the bomb baby in that dress
written, arranged, performed, mixed & edited by Jérôme Giller
lyrics: lady picture show never going home left a window open in the rain no one at the door dead clock on the wall i believe the movie was happening in Italy yea the girl was so pretty no niente di male solo uno scherzo non sarai mai più lo stesso don’t ask permission don’t ask about the mission it’s a secret
Thumbs up: pexels.com and pixabay.com www.jeromegiller.com
Jérôme Giller, auteurcompositeurinterprète, fait essentiellement du rock indépendant.
Il est souvent entouré de Patrick Dufresne à la batterie, Fabien Sevilla à la basse, de Laurent Poget aux guitares, et de Marc Champod à l’ingénieurie du son (Alzac Studio, Montreux).
Il a réalisé huit albums: les abandonnés (2009), Neuf cent neuf femmes de face (2010), oubliez les heureux (2012), giller, mort ou vif (2014), damaged goods (2015), look how low we now get (2017), ice cold eyes (2021), lungo viaggio motel (2022).
lungo viaggio motel est aussi un petit film de 30 minutes, visible sur YouTube.
En 2022, il sort également deux EP: a handful of harmless summer songs & fatherless; tous les morceaux sont accompagnés de clips.